You can lose between one and five eyelashes every single day. Some people may lose more than others, and this means you might be looking into ways to enhance your lashes. Lash extensions and lash lift are two great ways to enhance your lashes and make them look bigger and bolder. But which one is better and which one is right for you?
Facials in Birmingham, AL are a great way to invest in self-care, and lash enhancement is the perfect way to start out. Read on to find out the difference between lash extensions and lash lift in Birmingham, AL!
What Are Lash Extensions
Lash extensions add a dramatic effect to your eyes. An artist will apply individual false lashes to your real ones, causing your eyelashes to look bigger and bolder. They use adhesive glue to apply them. If done by a professional artist, the look should be flawless.
If you want a more dramatic look, then lash extensions are perfect. They make great additions for events like cocktail parties and will make the perfect statement when you walk in. Plus, since eyelash extensions add depth and boldness to your eyes, you won’t need to spend as much time doing your eye makeup.
If you love fake eyelashes but want something that looks more real and professional, then lash extensions are a great choice for you. They won’t fall off as easily either and they will never smudge.
Sometimes, the material that is used in the process of applying the lashes can cause allergic reactions. Because of this, you have to ensure with your aesthetician that you aren’t allergic to the materials being used. Having a consultation done before the procedure is always a good idea.

You also want to be careful to choose a good aesthetician. If you choose the wrong one, they can apply the lashes badly and it will be obvious that they are fake.
Lash extensions may also require more maintenance in the long run. You will need to be careful not to rip or damage them when you are washing your face or other related actions.
Lash extensions can also take a good amount of time to apply. This is because they apply each lash individually rather than several of them at a time. While this process can be long and painstaking, the results are beautiful.
What Is Lash Lift?
A lash lift is a more natural way to enhance your lashes. Your facialist in Birmingham, AL will curl and perm them to create a bigger and bolder look, without being so dramatic like eyelash extensions. If you feel like you have small eyelashes, this might be a good option to naturally create a bigger look.
Lifted lashes will make your eyes look bigger, giving that “doe-eyed” effect that people love. It will also still keep a natural appearance, so you can brag about your lashes knowing they are your real ones. Since these are your natural lashes, they are also easier to maintain than lash extensions.
You can wash your face, apply skincare products, and go about your day without worrying that the lashes will rip off or be damaged. Your lashes in Birmingham, AL will also last a while, though the effect will start to fade after several weeks. Since the aesthetician won’t be using extra material, it is also an affordable procedure that won’t break the bank.
While the process itself is short (around an hour), you will need to plan ahead for a certain amount of downtime. During this period of downtime, normally a couple of days, you can’t get them wet or put makeup on them. That could destroy the lash lift. This can be frustrating if you have an event to go to but just plan ahead so you give your lashes enough time to set.
While there aren’t materials used in the process, there are chemicals. These chemicals are something you can react to, especially if you have sensitive skin. Check with your doctor and aesthetician before doing the procedure. You can even ask them to test a bit of the chemical on your hand first before moving forward.
Which is Better?
As said earlier, if you want a more dramatic look, then lash extensions are the best option for you. If this isn’t something you need though, then the decision can be a bit harder. While lash lift needs a period of downtime afterward, it won’t require as much maintenance and aftercare as lash extensions do.
If you want your lashes to last you several weeks versus a few weeks, then a lash lift is the better option. A lash lift in Birmingham, AL also lets you keep a natural look and you can always easily apply makeup if you need to. Lash extensions, however, are a great way to make a statement and save time on doing your makeup every morning. Ultimately, the choice is up to you and what you believe suits your needs best!
How to Choose the Best Aesthetician
You should always speak to your aesthetician before your appointment to ensure that you are comfortable with them. Feel free to stop by the office you choose and observe how they operate and maintain the facility.
Most importantly, don’t forget to ensure that your aesthetician has their lash tech certification in Alabama! This will ensure that they know what they are doing and are qualified to perform the procedure.
Lash Extensions and Lash Lift in Birmingham, AL
Why keep wasting time? Decide today whether lash extensions or lash lift in Birmingham, AL is right for you! There’s no need to settle for flat eyelashes when there are options out there to enhance them.