Facial FAQs

Facial FAQs

Your Facial FAQs Answered!

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions page for Habitual Lash's facial services!
We understand that you might have some questions before indulging in our rejuvenating facial treatments.
Below, we've compiled answers to the most commonly asked questions to help you get a clearer picture of what to expect.

Facials are essential for maintaining healthy, clear, and youthful skin. Regular facials cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish the skin, promoting a clear, well-hydrated complexion that can help your skin look younger. Additionally, facial treatments can address specific concerns such as acne, pigmentation, and early signs of agin

The general recommendation is once a month, as our skin roughly takes about 28 days to go through its full life cycle of cell growth and exfoliation. However, the frequency can vary based on your skin type, goals, and the specific facial treatments you're getting.

Some people might experience a minor breakout post-facial, especially if it's their first time or if they've had extractions. This is because facials draw impurities to the surface. However, these breakouts are typically temporary and will clear up as the skin adjusts.

It's recommended to allow your skin to breathe and absorb the benefits of the products used during the facial for at least a few hours post-treatment. However, if you must apply makeup, try to use mineral-based makeup to reduce the chance of clogging pores.

Yes, facials can be customized for all skin types, whether you have oily, dry, combination, sensitive, or mature skin. It's essential to communicate with your esthetician about your skin concerns so they can tailor the facial to your needs.

At Habitual Lash, we emphasize personalized care. Our trained estheticians not only use top-notch products and techniques but also focus on understanding your skin's unique needs. Plus, we ensure a serene and luxurious environment that makes your facial experience truly relaxing.

Come with clean skin free of makeup. If you've recently had any skin treatments like microdermabrasion or chemical peels, inform your esthetician beforehand. It's also beneficial to avoid sun exposure or tanning 24 hours before your appointment.

Typically, there's no extended downtime after a standard facial. You might notice some redness or sensitivity, but this usually subsides within a few hours. However, for advanced treatments like chemical peels, some downtime might be expected.

Yes, but with some precautions. It's vital to let your esthetician know if you're pregnant. They can then customize your treatment to avoid any ingredients or techniques that might not be recommended during pregnancy.

Absolutely! Men can greatly benefit from facial treatments. Our facials cater to the specific needs and challenges of men's skin, ensuring a refreshing and revitalizing experience.

Regular skin care is crucial. Your esthetician will provide you with post-facial care advice, including product recommendations tailored to your skin. This might include a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, sunscreen, and any targeted treatments for your specific concerns.

Side effects from facials are generally minimal. However, you might experience temporary redness, sensitivity, or minor breakouts. If you have concerns about a specific treatment or product, it's crucial to discuss them with your esthetician.

Schedule Your Next Appointment Today

We hope this FAQ provides a clearer understanding of our facial services. At Habitual Lash, we're dedicated to enhancing your natural beauty and ensuring you feel pampered during every visit. If you have any more questions or wish to book an appointment, please get in touch with us!

Remember, every individual's skin is unique. Regular consultations with our skincare experts can ensure you're receiving the best treatments for your needs. Embrace the journey to radiant, refreshed, and revitalized skin with Habitual Lash!